Student Life
Student life at Lotus International School is incredibly supportive. Our teachers develop caring relationships with our students, allowing for the adaptation of curricula to meet the social, emotional and educational needs of everyone. Our student experience is enriched by athletics, volunteer opportunities, class trips and other exciting extracurricular activities. Reach out to learn more.
Academic Excellence
At Lotus International School, we believe that an effective education doesn’t just come from memorizing or lecturing. Active participation in the learning process entails analyzing, discussing and collaborating - in order to comprehend and retain. All of our courses are designed to encourage deep mental processing and student engagement with the class material
Our philosophy is simple - to embrace and provide for all types of learning. We respect the individual needs of all our students and believe that with the right guidance and direction, everyone can succeed. Our educational approach empowers students to question conventional thinking and to pursue their academic understanding with dedication and originality.